"We are a pragmatic, constructive and a results-oriented firm."
Sure They Will
Insurance provides a great benefit to society, and in this day and age, it is extremely difficult to think about any profession or type of business that is not insured. However, if an insurance company is to remain in existence, it must make a profit. In making profits, insurance companies are insuring businesses and properties with the hopes of earning an underwriting profit. The property insured is referred to as a risk, and if the expenses and claim payments do not exceed one-hundred percent of the insurance premium, then the insurance carrier has earned an underwriting profit. In fact, many underwriters earn large bonuses at the end of the year after the insurance company has determined that the policies they underwrote have earned an underwriting profit. Insured's and Public Adjusters face a very difficult task, sometimes monumental, when filing an insurance claim in light of the insurance companies business motives and need for survival/profits.
The challenges and conflicts of interest that are inherent in the handling of claims by insurance companies and their representatives is hard to convey on a website. Often it is not until the process is experienced firsthand, by policyholders, that people turn to us for help. Our goal is to minimize your aggravation and assist you in recovering all that you are entitled to from your loss.
Whatever the reason, Just Claims Public Adjusters can usually help. We have successfully settled claims that have languished and stagnated or were previously and improperly denied. If you are uncertain whether there is potential for recovery, please give us a call for a free consultation and we will review your policy and claim and let you know if we can help.
Generally Insurers have endeavored to provide an efficient and equitable claims handling service. However, in a world in which there are increasing pressures on profit margins, Insurers must reduce overhead and minimize expenses. In normal times carriers have consolidated and reduced staff while increasing workloads. They must seek ways to mitigate claim settlements and loss adjusting expenses as these are the major costs that cut into insurance company profits.
In some cases Insurers bring claim handling entirely ‘in-house’ which means that the claimant is denied any form of unbiased advice. At the very least the huge cost cutting that has occurred has led to a major loss of claims handling expertise, experience and interpersonal skills within the industry, which can result in the mishandling of claims.
On the other hand, during times of catastrophe, many new and inexperienced independent and cat adjusters enter the market and are retained due to the sheer of volume of claims and lack of supply. There are many new adjusters who lack the knowledge, training and background to handle claims properly. This often results in lengthy claims processing, adjuster turnover and diminished settlements for the policyholder.
What Do I Do Now?
Most clients retain JustClaims Public Adjusters to assist with their claims from inception. However, many individuals turn to us after the adjustment process has begun for varying reasons:
Under compensated and undervalued claims
Low ball offers
Rejected or contested claims
Full or partial claim denials
Complex claims
Difficult or contentious adjusters
Faulty emergency services or repairs
Untimely responses
Unresponsive company adjusters
Misleading and false statements
High adjuster turnover
Hidden damages
Supplemental loss claims after settlement
Lack of time to handle
Insured frustration
Overwhelmed by process